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Writer's picture: India JenkinsIndia Jenkins

It is imperative that we shine a light on the dark areas in our heart to see what and who we are holding on to in a way of resentment and unforgiveness. Forgiving others as Christ has forgiven us is one of the most freeing and liberating gifts you can give yourself.

When we hold people hostage in our minds and emotions, we are holding ourselves captives. Christ has freed us from the captivity and bondage of unforgiveness which leads to bitterness, hatred, anger, and so much more. Accept the liberation available through Christ which enables us to forgive and love freely!

There is something about forgiveness that empowers you!

In Philippians 3

We are encouraged and better yet instructed:

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Therefore, as many as are mature have this mind.

How can we press ahead if we are still holding on to wrongs that were done in the past. We are new creatures in Christ Jesus, old things have passed away and all things have become new. We must be willing to allow old offenses die completely to move ahead and have momentum as we are moving ahead. Releasing it all so as we are reaching forward, we can have space to grab hold of what’s in front of us. Unforgiveness take up so much mental space and energy it leaves us crippled and it is a great opening to the enemy and bad health. We must forgive those who used us, persecuted us, said all types of evils against us, harmed us in anyway.

Today I encourage you as I encourage myself to open your heart to Love, the love of God which is unconditional and enables to love past it all. For love covers a multitude of sin!

To forgive someone you are choosing to release them from their action, offenses, or lack of action we feel or felt one should have done. You are deciding you will no longer hold them hostage in the clutches of your mind which causes negative emotions (This is how you win, restore your sanity, and overcome the state of victimization)

After you forgive you choose to forget it. Forgive and forget goes hand and hand!

Forgetting those things that were behind and moving forward to what’s ahead.

Pressing toward the mark of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

That is the mind of a mature Christian. He says, “Let us as many as are mature, have this mind.”

To be completely free of a thing you must forgive and forget. It leaves no room for the enemy to keep you bound. You must then move forward to the things ahead.

Father help us to see the self-inflicted harm we cause by holding people captive in our thought life. I pray father that our joy is restored through your captivating love which enables to love ourselves and others as ourselves. May we all be led forth on a journey to discover your unconditional love for us. When we get to know you as love, we become the reflection of your love in the earth. Father may we be as your word has spoken “We are to God the fragrance of Christ” Father uproots the seed of bitterness, anger, resentment, grudges, and plow our grounds, fertilize our garden and plant new seeds. May we be a seed that turns into a tree (strong tree) and as we are strengthened, may our tree bear fruit that brings you glory in Jesus’ name amen.

Galatians 5:22-23 KJV

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

This is the fruit we desire to bear Lord in Jesus name amen!

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