Most times the lie sounds like the truth and the truth sounds like a lie
The only way to be able to decipher what is cunning, devilish, lies, and false is by way of Holy Spirit. He gives discernment.
The Spirit of God - The Word of God
He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
We know Truth, because Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that abides in us so He will reveal all things that are lies to deliver us out of the hands of those that deal deceitfully
We must know it’s not through our pondering assumptions or guessing it is by complete reliance on the Spirit of God that all things shall be revealed
There is a way that seems right to man but the end there of leads to death. May we no longer walk by our senses, but through complete surrender walk by the Spirit, being lead by the Spirit as He desires in Jesus name amen
Our life must be Spirit led in Jesus name amen 🕊️🕊️🕊️