It dawned on me, God takes pleasure in those who are committed to His plan even when they don’t know His plan.
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azeriah was committed to go without an expectation of elevation coming. They decided in their heart no matter being taken from their land, they was never going to be separated from their God
May we not seek to get something from God but genuinely seek to follow after God, loving Him, and giving ourselves no other way, even when we are tried.
Although you received salvation, have you decided? Decide to serve and love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our spirit, and all of our souls.
Deciding and committed to following His way as the way of life, when you don’t see anything promising before you.
As you study the book of Daniel I believe the key thing to receive and understand was their heart posture. A heart of Faith Belief Confidence Assurance Commitment Honor Reverence Respect
Because of their heart posture toward God, God responded. Because they knew who they belong to they could not be persuaded nor enticed.
One of the things I appreciated in scripture, was although Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azeriah knew they had to go another route, instead of rebelling they had a solution try us for ten days allow us to eat pulse (peas,beans,lentils) and drink water (they had confidence
We must not cast our confidence aside. We must only believe in the God we serve.
He will give us strategy and solution for Him to be shown strong and cause man to come to Him if we do not bow down to other God’s (people,policies,procedures) things that we know are not right. This situation was as simple as not eating of the Kings meat (or we would assume it was simple)
Often times in our acts we are agreeing in ignorance without truly understanding we are agreeing.
I encourage each and everyone of us to not stop at salvation, but be committed to the whole call, so that God may be glorified and reign through you in the earth in Jesus name amen