As we pursue the Father this day, let us pursue Him from the heart posture of relationship and not desperation.
Let us see Him from the place of confidence, knowing that He is God, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
This is us choosing to put our faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, placing our faith completely in the Word of God.
Hebrews chapter 11:6
But without faith, it is impossible to please Him for He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently see Him.
Today my number one encouragement is for us to go to God.
Next , let us be aware of how we are approaching the Father to ensure we consistently approach Him with the right posture and motives.
Having the right expectation toward our Lord and Savior and Shepherd is imperative, because our expectations reflects the condition of our Faith in Him.
Pursue - we must pursue God and his way, continuously proceeding along his path and route in life through Christ Jesus
Posture - it’s a particular way of dealing with or considering something. How we approach them or our attitude toward what we are considering.
Our attitude toward God as we go to Him, it must be positive. It must be in faith, believing that He is God and as we seek his face, and as we pray unto him, He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek him.
Now, what is the reward?
The reward is that He hears our prayers!
The reward is that He is answering our prayers!
The reward is that He is delivering us from anxiousness and anxiety and confusion and double mindedness and weariness and fear all those things that opposes His truth!
He will deliver us from them as we believe.
Come to Him and know that He is. He just is!!!
Deliverance is a gift and a reward and a promise in Jesus name amen
Desperate - It is the feeling, or showing or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with. We must hope in God and know all things are possible in Him or with Him rather when we believe.
Psalms 42:4 tells us hope in God. That’s it hope in God.
May we be reminded that being desperate or approaching God out of desperation is not the right posture. it is not the right attitude to seek Him with. That form of seeking is self seeking and not with a heart of seeking God because He is!
As we seek Him and come into relationship with Him all of these other things will be dealt with and go away. We will not be stuck in these hard places.
It is important for us to learn the posture in which we are to approach our Heavenly Father.
When we seek and pursue the Lord from the place of desperation, we are doing the very opposite of his Word.
His word instruct us.
It tells us to be careful for nothing. Carefu in the Greek is anxious. That’s one of the definitions for careful.
So He tells us to be careful for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let our request be made known to God and the peace of God which which passes understanding will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
The full scripture Philippians 4:4-9 In this segment of the Bible tells us
To rejoice
Make your moderation known to all
Not to be careful or anxious
How to make our request known to God
Make our request known
What God will do for us
Tell us what to think on
Tells us what to Do!
It reads/speaks/instructs:
Rejoice in the Lord all way, and again I say rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
Finally brethren:
Whatsoever, things are true.
Whatsoever, things are honest.
Whatsoever, things are just.
Whatsoever, things are pure
Whatsoever, things are lovely
Whatsoever, things are of good report
If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Those things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you amen.
It’s important as we read the word that we are able to identify the instructions of the word. It is the instructions that give us the what to do and how to do so we can go ahead and do as the word is instructing! Obey the word and receive the life of Christ through the word in Jesus’s name amen
So as our minds are being attacked with thoughts, and our hearts are overwhelmed simply take a deep breath and tell the Lord
I know I have all these things before me Father and with me Lord. Myesha first response is to be anxious and overwhelmed and run to you to fix it. But, this day, I lay down my burdens and pursue you with my whole heart to know you and to love you.
I humble myself this day before you and ask for your forgiveness. I would like to know you as Lord over my life, Father, Savior, Friend, Truth, Peace, Love, and more.
This day, I acknowledge my motives toward you and say here I am to lay down my life and lose it so I can find life through Christ Jesus.
Lord, this day, I embrace you to be my guidance. I embrace your word to be my guidance and the developer of my soul. I thank you for hearing my prayer for allowing me the opportunity to know, and to be guided and developed by your truth your written word in Jesus name amen!
This week I encourage each of us to read, meditate, ponder and speak out of our mouths The scriptures/Word of God below:
Psalms 42:5
Hebrews 11:6
Philippians 4:4-9
May we find new strength and or increase strength by the spirit and power of the word of God in Jesus name amen